LTC6 Double Wheels Vibratory / Oscillating Rollers
LTC6 Double drum vibratory roller, oscillatory roller, is applicable for maintenance of municipal roads and highways, as well as the compaction of the narrow road surfaces such as groove foundation with width above 1.5m, building construction, pipeline backfill and stadium.
主要特点 Main Features
▲Hydraulic vibration and oscillation, great centrifugal force and high compactness.
▲This roller has articulated
▲Anticorrosive spray water system and fool capacity water tank and electric pressurized sprinkler.
▲Shock-proof sock absorber for long life and operate comfortable.
▲Close performance is extremely fine and work close up to building.
▲Secure hydraulic brake.
主要的技术参数Main technical parameters:
型号 |
LTC6 |
工作质量 |
Operating mass |
kg |
6000 |
静线载荷 |
Static linear load |
N/cm |
232.4 |
激振力 |
Centrifugal force |
KN |
55 |
激振力矩 |
Centrifugal movement |
KN.M |
激振频率 |
Oscillation frequency |
Hz |
46 |
理论振幅 |
Oriental vibration amplitude |
mm |
0.62 |
荡幅 |
Oscillation amplitude |
行走速度 |
Travel speed |
Km/h |
一速 |
1st gear |
2.5 |
二速 |
2nd gear |
7.5 |
爬坡能力 |
Grade ability |
% |
>20 |
振动轮直径 |
Drum diameter |
mm |
950 |
压实宽度 |
Rolling width |
mm |
1320 |
总长 |
Overall length |
3650 |
总宽 |
Overall width |
1530 |
总高 |
Overall height |
2650 |
3000 |
柴油机型号 |
Diesel model |
4100AY/498BG |
柴油机功率 |
Diesel power |
KW |
42/36 |
柴油机额定转速 |
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免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。 友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员 商家简介
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