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  • 供应TY165—2履带式推土机 供应TY165—2履带式推土机
  • 供应TY165—2履带式推土机


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所在地区 : 河北张家口

产品分类 : 推土机

半刚性悬挂、液力传动、液压助力操纵的履带推土机。先导工作装置操纵,单杆转向与制动操纵。生产效率高、通过能力强、操纵轻便、结构简单、维修方便。可选配三钩松土器、U型铲刀(铲刀容量7.4 m³)等多种装置。是交通、油田、电力、矿山等土石方施工的理想机械,是TY165-1的升级产品。
TY165-2 bulldozer is 165 horsepower track-type dozer with hydraulic direct drive, semi-rigid suspended and hydraulic assisting operating, pilot hydraulic blade control and single level steering and braking control.
TY165-2 bulldozer is characterized by high efficient, open view, optimized structure, easy operation and service with low cost and reliable entire quality. It can be equipped with three shanks ripper, U-blade (7.4 cubic meter capacity) and other optional components.
TY165-2 bulldozer is applicable for earth handling in road construction, desert and oil-field working, farmland and port construction, irrigation and electric power engineering, mining and other engineer conditions.
It is the upgrade product of TY165-1 bulldozer.
推土机性能参数 Specifications
铲刀型式 Dozer                                             直倾铲 Tilt
使用质量(not including ripper) Operation weight (Kg)                 17800
接地比压 Ground pressure(KPa)                                     69
履带中心距 Track gauge(mm)                                      1880
爬坡性能Gradient                                              30°/25°
小离地高度 Min. ground clearance (mm)                           352.5
铲刀容量 Dozing capacity (m³)                                       5.0
铲刀宽度 Blade width (mm)                                        3297
切土深度 Max. digging depth (mm)                              420
外形尺寸(长××高)Overall dimensions (mm)             5416×3297×3160
发动机 Engine
型式 Type                                         潍柴WD10G178E15
额定转速 Rated revolution (rpm)                                   1850
飞轮功率 Flywheel power (KW/HP)                               121/165
扭矩 Max. torque (Nm/rpm)                               830/1100
燃油消耗率Rated fuel consumption(g/KWh)                        218
行走系统 Undercarriage system
型式                                 八字梁半刚性悬挂、平衡梁摆动.
Type                                Swing type of sprayed beam.
                                    Suspended structure of equalizer bar
支重轮数量(单侧)                                                    6
Number of track rollers (each side)                                     6
拖链轮数量(单侧)                                                    2
Number of carrier rollers (each side)                                    2
链轨节距(mm)                                                     203
Pitch (mm)                                                        203
履带板宽度(mm)                                                   500
Width of shoe (mm)                                                500
速度档Gear           一档1st     二档2nd     三档3rd
前进Forward  (Km/h)       0-3.32          0-6.26          0-11.40      
后退Backward (Km/h)       0-4.00          0-7.57          0-13.87      
工作装置液压系统 Implement hydraulic system
系统压力 Max. system pressure (MPa)                           12油泵型式 Pump type                   双联齿轮泵Two groups Gears pump
系统流量 System outputL/min                                     190
传动系统 Driving system
变矩器                 单极单相三元件                                  
Torque converter    3-element 1-stage 1-phase                        
变速箱                 变速箱为行星齿轮传动,动力换挡变速箱。前进三档、后退三档。可实现档位和方向的快速变换。             
Transmission        Planetary, power shift transmission with three speeds forward and three speeds reverse, speed and direction can be quickly shifted.                             
转向离合器            湿式、多片粉末冶金摩擦片、弹簧压紧、液压分离。  
Steering clutch.      Multiple-disc oil power metallurgy disc compressed by spring. hydraulic operated.                         
制动离合器            湿式、浮动、双向带式、脚踏式机械操纵。           
Braking clutch       Brake is oil two direction floating band brake operated by mechanical foot pedal.                          
终传动              两级直齿轮减速、浮动油封密封,链轮采用组合式,便于维修                                             
Final drive          The final drive are double reduction with spur gear and   segment sprocket, which are sealed by duo-cone seal.   

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友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员



主营产品: 宣工TY165-2,SD7 SD6G,SD8B,SD9履带式推土机 联系人: 李思敏
资质认证: 邮 件: celia_hbxg@163.com
开店时间: 电 话: 03138802746
所在地: 河北宣化东升路21号 手 机: 15831310917

免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。

友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员

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