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  • 供应MAHLE玛勒过滤产品 供应MAHLE玛勒过滤产品
  • 供应MAHLE玛勒过滤产品


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共被查看 575







所在地区 : 广东广州

产品分类 : 压路机



MAHLE玛勒 MAHLE德国玛勒集团 是世界上的过滤器制造商之一。








Filter elements are the heart of any effective hydraulic filtration. Made exclusively at MAHLE industrial filters in ?hringen, our unique Sm-N2 and Sm-x filter element ensure outstanding oil purity in hydraulic and lubrication systems, even in difficult applications. MAHLE hydraulic filter elements are at the forefront of modern hydraulic filtration and exceed all national and international standards. MAHLE hydraulic filter elements are made for MAHLE standard and DIN filter housings, in the dimensions of other filter manufacturers and in customer-specific designs.



Suction filters protect the pump of a hydraulic system from rough contamination. They are either installed in front of the pump or - especially maintenance-friendly - acceible from the outside with the clogging indicator built into the suction line.

The broad selection of system-suitable elements permits protection of the system and pump in the fine range from 10 - 25 μm with Mic quality or in the rough range with cleanable wire mesh.

Suction Filter Pi 160

Suction Filter Pi 1710, nominal size up to 480



Preure filters are available as full- or partial-flow filters for the preure ranges low-preure to 25 (60) bar, medium preure to 210 bar, high preure to 450 bar. The housings are of robust, flow-friendly design; the filter elements are made from a broad selection of system-suitable components adapted precisely to meet the specific requirements.

New hydraulic filters in accordance with DIN 24 550 fulfil current market demands.

An extensive acceory programme completes our offering.

Low Preure Filter Pi 1500, operating preure 10 (25) bar, nominal size up to 600, according to DIN 24550

Low Preure Filter Pi 1907, operating preure 16 bar, nominal size 400 up to 6000

Low Preure Filter Pi 1975, operating preure 6 bar, nominal size 50

Low Preure Filter Pi 220, operating preure 10 bar, nominal size up to 160

Low Preure Filter Pi 230, operating preure 25 (63) bar, nominal size up to 800

Low Preure Filter Pi 2300, operating preure 25 (40) bar, nominal size up to 2000, according to DIN 24550

Low Preure Filter Pi 270, operating preure 10 bar, nominal size up to 315

Medium Preure Filter Pi 3000, operating preure 200 (315) bar, nominal size up to 400, according to DIN 24550

Medium Preure Filter Pi 340, operating preure 250 bar, nominal size up to 450

Medium Preure Filter Pi 360, operating preure 210 (315) bar, nominal size up to 300

High Preure Filter Pi 4000, operating preure 400 bar, nominal size up to 400, according to DIN 24550

High Preure Filter Pi 410, operating preure 315 bar, nominal size 20-63

High Preure Filter Pi 420, operating preure 400 bar, nominal size up to 450

Low Preure Filter Pi 150, operating preure 10 (25) bar, nominal size up to 630



Since an interruption of production to change the filter element is usually not poible in continuous procees, MAHLE offers the ideal solution with its duplex filter series. Duplex filters with standard integrated clogging indicator work trouble-free around the clock and can be easily serviced or replaced without interruption of operations or switchover breaks.

Low Preure Duplex Filter Pi 210, operating preure 25 (63) bar, nominal size up to 450

Low Preure Duplex Filter Pi 2100, operating preure 25 (63) bar, nominal size up to 40, 100, 250 according to DIN 24550

Low Preure Duplex Filter Pi 2100, operating preure 25 bar, nominal size up to 630 and 1000, according to DIN 24550

Low Preure Duplex Filter Pi 231

Low Preure Duplex Filter Pi 5075, operating preure 16 bar, nominal size 400 up to 6000

Medium Preure Duplex Filter Pi 370, operating preure 200 (250) bar, nominal size up to 450

Medium Preure Duplex Filter Pi 3700, operating preure 200 (250) bar, nominal size up to 400, according to DIN 24550

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主营产品: 工业泵阀,液压元件,执行器机构,编码器 联系人: 潘俊
资质认证: 邮 件: gzsgexin99@126.com
开店时间: 电 话: 020-62335095
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免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。

友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员

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