龙松路面吹风机 用于水泥、沥青地面路面的清扫,清洁;用于沥青路面铺设、路面裂缝灌缝前的吹扫,也可用于大型广场、庭院、绿地的落叶清洁吹扫,以及露天体育比赛场地的除湿吹干。 pavement blower used for cement, asphalt pavement surface cleaning and clean; for asphalt pavement, pavement crack irrigation before the seam of the purge, and can also be used for large-scale square, courtyard, green leaves clean sweep, and outdoor sports venues dehumidification drying.
产品特点Product features:
l 本田发动机,品质保证,性能优越,启动非常容易。Honda engine, famous brand quality assurance, performance is superior, start is very easy.
l 该机器属于高压风机,风量大,风压高,吹尘彻底适用于多种工作环境。This machine belongs to the high pressure air blower, the air quantity is big, the air pressure is high, the dust blowing dust is completely suitable for a variety of working conditions.
l 表面喷塑,漂亮美观防锈。The surface spray, beautiful appearance of rust.
型号参数Model parameters:
型号 |
LSCF-280 |
LSCF-380/680 |
风叶直径 |
280mm |
380mm |
风叶转速 |
3600rpm |
风流量 |
5000m³/h |
5500m³/h |
风口 |
定制 |
定制 |
发动机型号 |
HONDA,GX270/GX390 |
类型 |
汽油机,空冷4冲程,OHV,单缸 |
功率 |
5.5hp/3600rpm |
9.0hp/3600rpm或13hp |
油箱容积 |
3.6L |
6L |
润滑油量 |
0.6L |
1.1L |
燃油消耗量 |
313g/kWh |
总长 |
1100mm |
1340mm |
总宽 |
680mm |
750mm |
总高 |
920mm |
1110mm |
包装尺寸 |
870×750×580mm |
870x800x800mm |
重量 |
68kg |
75kg |
l 部分产品网上报价仅供参考,具体产品价格请致电联系电话,以电话中实际报价为准。Part of the product online offer for reference only, please contact the specific product price, the actual price of the phone to the phone.
l 根据客户指定发货地点不同运费不同,货运时间为2-5天,因物流运输不确定因素较多如:路况,天气等,根据物流运输过程中实际情况货物到达时间稍有不同。According to the customer specified delivery location of different freight, shipping time is 2-5 days, because the logistics transportation is uncertain factors such as: road conditions, weather, etc., according to the actual situation of the logistics transportation process goods arrival time is slightly different.
l 因产品生产批次、具体型号不同,以上图片仅供参考,详情可联系我们的业务人员进行具体核实。Because the product production batch, the specific model is different, the above picture is only for reference, please contact our business personnel for specific verification.
l 本店所有重货物品一律不含运费,小件物品发快递,具体运费请联系卖家详谈,谢谢合作! This shop all items will be heavy freight, express small items, please contact the seller specific shipping details, thank you for your cooperation!
l 如需开具发票或盖章收据,请于龙松机械
免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。 友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员
该用户未通过认证 |
主营产品: | 压路机/坡口机/倒角机/振动梁/凿毛机/振动尺/割草机/照明车 | 联系人: | 田平平 |
资质认证: | 邮 件: | 18254732757@163.com | |
开店时间: | 电 话: | 0537-8705656 | |
所在地: | 山东省济宁市任城区府河东路26号(销售科三部);济宁市金乡工业园07仓库(龙松配货中心) | 手 机: | 17853103211 |
免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。
友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员
产品分类: 压路机
规格型号: LS25C
价格: 2000元/